OSIsoft PI Web API
    • 09 Feb 2024
    • Contributors

    OSIsoft PI Web API

    Article summary

    With our Neuron integration "OSIsoft PI Web API" we can send data to a OSIsoft PI API server every time a new measurement is received and processed from our sensors.


    Name: Name of the integration.
    URL: Insert the integratoin endpoint where you want the data to be sent.
    Sensors: Select sensors you want to be sendt through the integration, or leave empty to send all sensors.
    Device strings: Unique generated connection-strings for devices
    headers: Add request-headers to the request (optional).
    Cancel: Cancel the creation of the Webhook for this system.
    Save: Save and create the integration to this system.

    Payload format

      Timestamp: string;
      Value: number | string;
      UnitsAbbreviation: string;


    Value: List of device values
    Timestamp: ISO-Timestamp
    UnitsAbbreviation: Unit of measurement


    When your integration receives data it will do the following steps:

    1. Make a GET request to https://<your-url>/points\<your-server>\<connection-string> to get a endpoint for the sensor in OSIsoft-system
    2. Make a POST request to the endpoint received in step 1. with the payload as body


    Data from neuronsensors integrations are sendt from ip address: make sure this is not blocked in your firewall