Edit sensor
  • 16 Jan 2024
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Edit sensor

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Article summary

Edit sensor

From the sensor details page click "Edit sensor" to change sensor settings.


Sensor Alias: Edit the sensor name.
Description: Edit the sensor description.
Primary value: If a sensor has multiple values, like humidity and temperature, choose which value should be the primary value. The primary value is the biggest value in the sensor tile.
Advanced settings: Open this to adjust some advanced sensor settings. More info below.
Tags: Click to add existing tag or click the darker gray area to create a new tag.


Use tags to filter sensors easily or make groups of sensors and gateways in your system.

Add an image: Click here to add a picture of the sensor and its location.


You can add an existing image from your device or you can open the camera and take a picture.

Delete: Click Delete to delete the sensor from system. Then confirm to delete.


If you delete the sensor from the system, you will stop receiving sensor data from the sensor but it can then be added to another system.

Cancel: Back to sensor details without saving any changes.
Save: Save changes and return to sensor details.

Advanced settings


Binary settings

Click the binary button to make the sensor a binary sensor.


A binary sensor can only have two values like 0 and 1. But we can name the two values what we want. Examples: True / False, On / Off, Hot / Cold, Open / Closed, Jacket / Sweater.


Selected item: If the sensor has several values, like vibration and temperature, choose which value you want to make binary.
Value 'on': Name the on value.
Value 'off': Name the off value.
Rule: Values bigger than this value and binary value will show value 'on'.


In this example temperatures bigger than 50 will show "on". All other values will show "off".


The system might need a new sample from the sensor to activate the binary setting. Some of this is still under development.

Limit charts


If you do not prefer autoscaling on the Y-axis but want custom chart limits you must set the Min and/or Max values .

Min: Minimum value on Y-scale.
Max: Maximum value on Y-scale.


Chart limits

You might have to wait for a new sample from the sensor and change view/time scale before the changes take place.

Digitizer config


Above is an example of how to configure a mA Digitizer

If you have a digitizer or need to convert some values, you can use the digitizer config.
Convert C: Choose which value to convert. Some sensors have multiple values.
In min: Value in from sensor.
Out min: Corresponding value out from sensor.
In max: Value in from sensor.
Out max: Corresponding value out from sensor.
Unit out: SI of sensor data.
Preview: Preview of data with current settings.

Below is an example of how to configure an Ampere if not already done by El-Watch
We have recently started shipping our Ampere sensors fully configured to display the correct value in Amps.
In a transition phase, some sensors will (straight out of the box) show volts, and need manual configuration.
This can be easily done as shown below


Set "Out Max" equal to the measuring range for the actual current sensor; 10/20/50/100/150/500.
The example is for a 20A AC sensor.
In min=0, In max=20 and Out Min=0 is the same for all current sensors regardless of measuring range.

Digitizer config

You might have to wait for a new sample from the sensor before the changes take place.

Actuator config


Above is an example of how to configure an Actuator to switch for 2 seconds on each button press.

Switch mode: In "Switch mode" it will switch from open to closed or vice versa, dependig on the former state, on each button press in the tile.

Time mode:
In "Time mode" it can be configured to stay open or closed in the configured time. In the example above the time is set to 2 seconds. You can also set the number og minutes or hours to stay in the same state.

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