Add sensor
  • 16 Jan 2024
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Add sensor

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Article summary

Add a new sensor

You can add new sensors to a system by going to the system, click the "+Add" tile and Choose "Add sensor" in the menu.
Fill in the sensor ID by either scanning the QR-code or by manually entering it into the field. We recommend to give the sensor an alias, a suitable description and a image of the installed sensor.
You can also add some tags on the sensor as explained in this article: Tags

Add new sensor

Only admin users of the system can add sensors.

You can now add serial numers by either

  1. Insert serialnumber into field
  2. Scan the QR code on your sensors

After inserting a serialnumer you will get the option to add
2. Alias - Optional name of sensor
3. Description - Optional information about the sensor
4. Tags - Used to group the sensor
5. Omit sensor from registration

  1. When pressing Register x sensors the app will attempt claiming the devices

If all registrations are successfull you will now be redirected back to the dashboard and the new sensor will appear as a tile next to the gateway.
Newly added sensors needs to be verified in the cloud before they are fully functional. This usually happens instantaneously or within a few minutes.


For verification to succeed, the sensor needs to send a data packet through a gateway registered to the same system. Make sure the gateway is powered and online, as well as keeping the sensor within range of the gateway.

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